  • Duration

    12 months

  • Effort

    745 learning hours

  • Modules

    7 modules

  • Important

    Registration Dates and Tuition Fees (which are separate to the exam fees) are set by your Training Provider.

The Advanced Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Management aims to provide students with an understanding of the managerial, decision-making and leadership aspects of the tourism and hospitality industry. It is designed to develop the independent research and study skills required when working at senior managerial level in the industry.

  • Students must be at least 18 years of age at enrolment.
  • All students must be able to speak, read and write English.  The programme is assessed by written assignments and examinations in the English language; high level language skills are essential.
  • The course requires students to read around the subject and use academic referencing (Harvard style) in their written assignments. Academic Study skills are essential.
  • Students should have completed the Intermediate Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Management or equivalent.
  • Students with work experience must provide evidence of at least three years’ work experience in the hospitality and/or tourism industry which must include one year at supervisory or management level. Students should usually have successfully completed secondary education, and preferably have gained a post-school qualification in any subject.

Compulsory Modules

  • Understanding Funding and Finance in Tourism & Hospitality
  • Human Resource Management in the Tourism & Hospitality Industry
  • Strategic Marketing in the Tourism & Hospitality Industry
  • Customer Relationship Management in the Tourism & Hospitality Industry
  • Contemporary Issues in the Tourism & Hospitality Industry

Choose one of the following Management Streams

Tourism Management

  • Tour Operations Management
  • Sustainable Tourism and Destination Development


Hospitality Management

  • Food and Beverage Management
  • Facilities Management in the Tourism & Hospitality Industry

Understanding Funding and Finance in Tourism and Hospitality
This module covers understanding the concepts of financial management and accounting within a hospitality or tourism business; controlling the finances and managing the cash flow and manage the profitability of a department within a hospitality or tourism business

Human Resource Management in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry 
This module covers understanding the principles of human resource (HR) management in the tourism and hospitality industry; leading teams and developing human resources policies.

Strategic Marketing in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry:
This module covers contributing to the development of marketing and sales strategies in the tourism and hospitality industry; optimising marketing communications, building strategic partnerships, new product development and understanding the purpose and components of an organisational business plan.

Customer Relationship Management in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry 
This module covers developing a customer service strategy in the tourism and hospitality industry; managing customer relationships (CRM) and evaluating customer service.

Contemporary Issues in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry 
This module covers understanding how to identify emerging issues in the tourism and hospitality industry and examining their impact.

Food and Beverage Management 
Thismodule covers developing food and beverage operations, understanding the management of food and beverage operations and evaluating their effectiveness.

Facilities Management in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry 
This module covers evaluating the role of a facilities manager in a hospitality or tourism organisation; ensuring the facilities of a hospitality or tourism organisation meets health, safety and environmental requirements and maintaining and developing the facilities of a hospitality or tourism organisation premises.

Tour Operations Management
This module covers understanding the global market for tour operations; compiling and marketing an international tour/package holiday and understanding the international legal framework within tour operations.

Sustainable Tourism and Destination Development
This module covers an understanding of the scope and management of sustainable tourism and its environment and destination development.


  • Human Resource Management in the Tourism & Hospitality Industry (Compulsory Module)
  • Customer Relationship Management in the Tourism & Hospitality Industry (Compulsory Module)
  • Tour Operations Management (Tourism Management Stream)
  • Sustainable Tourism and Destination Development (Tourism Management Stream)
  • Food and Beverage Management (Hospitality Management Stream)
  • Facilities Management in the Tourism & Hospitality Industry (Hospitality Management Stream)


  • Understanding Funding and Finance in Tourism & Hospitality (Compulsory Module)
  • Strategic Marketing in the Tourism & Hospitality Industry (Compulsory Module)
  • Contemporary Issues in the Tourism & Hospitality Industry (Compulsory Module)

ITHSA Module Completion Certificate

CTH Programme Certificate



Our Management Programmes in Tourism and Hospitality, Culinary Programmes and Professional Skills short courses are endorsed by important industry figures and brands, including Gordon Ramsay and his Tante Marie Culinary Academy, Virgin Atlantic, the Star Alliance, Sabre and many more.