Success in Travel

Measuring success can be difficult because success is relative; take the tourism industry for example, every year, lists titled ‘top tourist destinations’ or the ‘most successful tourist destination’ are printed. These lists are typically ranked based on the number of tourists who visit or the amount of revenue that the destination generates. However, it is important to understand that measuring success in the tourism industry in that way can be misleading.

In 2017, Spain remains one of the most popular tourist destinations, and therefore one of the most visited. Therefore, you would assume that this would mean, in general as a tourist destination, Spain is fairly successful, right? Tourism in Spain, in recent years has reacted a boiling point; disputes between locals and tourists are on the rise; Spanish travel companies have claimed Spain is too full; and recently, Barcelona are aiming to limit the construction of hotels and stop licenses being issued to new accommodation rentals.

Measuring success by number of visitors that the tourist destination generates is problematic, not just because of the example given upon. Visitors might include passing visitors who spend very little at the destination. Measuring success by the revenue generated by the destination doesn’t show how much is going back into the economy. Using both of these measurements together still doesn’t take into account the local people, who also have a say in the success of the destination. So how exactly can you measure the success of a tourism destination?

The best way to measure success of a tourism destination is by measuring how sustainable it is. Measuring the sustainability of a tourism takes into account a larger number of factors. To be successful you need a good ecosystem for the tourism to thrive. This includes, a clean environment, great presentation, entertaining attractions, a welcoming local community and so on. If a destination is sustainable then everything that contributes to it’s success needs to be sustained and maintained, if not, how can it be successful.

Tourist destinations that overindulge in the idea that numbers equal success will find out that without the capacity to deal with those numbers, success will only be on the short-term. Investing and maintaining in all the things that make a tourism destination will ensure long terms success.