Short Courses

What is a non-credit bearing short course?

A non-credit bearing short course is a type of learning programme for which no credits are awarded.

The ITH non-credit bearing short courses:

In order for the CTH programmes, which are OfQual registered qualifications in the United Kingdom, to be offered by training providers in South Africa, we have entered into an agreement with the CTH that facilitates the offering of each of the modules per qualification to be offered as stand-alone non-credit bearing short courses or short learning programmes. These will need to be marketed as such and learners will need to be advised that the short learning programme does not carry any credits towards a South African qualification.

What can be offered?

The following are the standalone programmes that providers can offer with the following titles:
a. Short Learning Programme: Essentials of Human Resources and Business Computing in Tourism and Hospitality
b. Short Learning Programme: Essentials of Marketing and Customer Relationships in Tourism and Hospitality
c. Short Learning Programme: Tourism and Hospitality Industry
d. Short Learning Programme: Essentials of Tourism and Hospitality Studies
e. Short Learning Programme: Finance in Tourism and Hospitality
f. Short Learning Programme: Customer Service Management in Tourism and Hospitality
g. Short Learning Programme: Global Tourism and Hospitality
h. Short Learning Programme: Travel and Tourism Operations
i. Short Learning Programme: Travel and Tourism Supervision
j. Short Learning Programme: Travel Geography
k. Short Learning Programme: Destination Analysis
l. Short Learning Programme: Rooms Division Operations
m. Short Learning Programme: Rooms Division Supervision
n. Short Learning Programme: Food and Beverage Operations
o. Short Learning Programme: Food and Beverage Supervision

What the learner will receive?

After successful completion of the required assignments and assessments, learners will receive an ITH Short Learning Programme Certificate in the module completed. Should the learner opt to receive individual CTH module certificates for the above short learning programmes, the ITH can facilitate this on behalf of the learner at an additional cost of R600.00 per module.

Duration, assessment methodology and cost

It is recommended that each of the short learning programmes be taught over the recommended guided learning hours listed in the table below. In addition, the method of assessment is also mentioned together with the cost per module.